2024 looks like a busy year.
UCB Rdio 2 will air my short story, Who’s There? early in the year. When a young woman finds themselves in dire straits, who do they call?
In April, I am delighted to be providing an insight into the issues writers with disabilities and chronic illnesses face when editing my article Marking Up the Level Playing Field in the e-magazine Writer’s Narrative. A fantastic monthly publication packed with advice and resources for writers.
They say a change is good as a rest – like many writers, I sometimes write stories outside my normal genre. Little Red Cupcake, a gothic story, tells how a girl wearing a red cloak takes a box of cupcakes to her grandmother and meets a wolfish youth on the way. To be published in Hard as Nails anthology by Tenpenny Dreadful in 2024.
The search is on to find a home for my trilogies. The Sphinx Trilogy a contemporary transatlantic saga of the intertwining lives and loves of the Carters, Hendersons and Jones’ families. who futures are jeopardised by the actions of previous generations.
Two of three books are complete for the Blossom Hill (WT) series that sees the Amish-English Bieber family lives upturned when daughter Hannah is forced to help the police bring her childhood friend murders to justice or face prison.